Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Juicy Morning

This is what I juiced together this morning for a boost:

2 bunches beet greens
2 cloves raw garlic (great anti-viral especially during this change of season)
3 carrots
2 apples
1/2 bunch celery
Hand full parsley
Several sprigs oregano



Anonymous said...

I love juicing! Gives me such good energy and just makes me feel so good.Never tried juicing garlic though! I swear by its anti-bacterial/viral powers :)

Anonymous said...

Does juiced garlic make you smell like garlic? Does it alter the taste of the juice much?

mahi mahi recipes said...

I love juicing! Gives me such good energy and just makes me feel so good.Never tried juicing garlic though! I swear by its anti-bacterial/viral powers :)

body lift said...

This is great. Juice in early morning can be very effective. You have balance diet. Thanks for sharing this.

GVerhaeg said...

So going to try tomorrow morning! Sounds good :)