Monday, September 13, 2010

Canning Time

I had a bushel of delicious looking tomatoes from my garden waiting for me to can them. I finally got to business making a batch of yummy tomato sauce. It's the perfect base for soup, pasta sauce, chili and more. I've been canning for years and years. I love knowing I'm creating a delicious and nutritious preservative-free sauce that my family can enjoy all year long. Now it's time to round out my apple supply to get to work on a batch of clean applesauce. Oh I love the fall!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I just finished doing salsa today ! Would love to know some of your clean recipes. I have a pressure canner and was wondering if it was possible to can some soup? I would love to be able to make a big batch of your maui soup and can it for busy nights...

Anonymous said...

Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up! Big thanks for the useful info.


Denise said...

I just finished canning every weekend since July 10th, so your fun is just starting! so much work, but so worth it in the winter time. Plus knowing exactly what is going in my families bodies, no chemicals or poisons.

Christina said...

My mum canned tomatoes and jam every year, and I have been carrying on the tradition. I LOVE having clean sauce, tasting of fresh tomatoes in the cold, dark of winter. I would like to know if you (or anyone else!) has made jam using sucanat? I have more raspberries, blackberries and blueberries this year than I can possibly eat, so I would like to preserve them and give as healthy(healthier?) gifts at Christmas. But all that white poison ... ! Anyone have a success story using sucanat and canning jam?

parmeswar said...

Hi I would like to exchange link with you.. If you interested kindly reply us..

mail id:


Anonymous said...

I'm scared to death to can .. I'd probably do something wrong .. end up poisoned !!

San Diego.

Denise said...

Monica, there are so many good books out there to help. It is so worth it. But I was one of the lucky ones, learned from the best, my mom and grandma. I grew up canning.

Denise said...

Monica, there are so many good books out there to help. It is so worth it. But I was one of the lucky ones, learned from the best, my mom and grandma. I grew up canning.

Kiriandra said...

Canning is easy peasy - you don't even need a pressure canner for some of the recipes. You're local Ag Agent will have the information you need, and it's free on the web. Best part of it is - Everyone is trying to get rid of their canning supplies right now - I was in Tractor Supply getting poochie food and picked up some really nice little 1/2 pint jars I'll be putting a plum spread in for gifts this year for almost half the price (your region may be different). Farmer's Market this afternoon!

Anonymous said...


My mom canned and I never paid attention because she canned picked beets (oh, gawd the smell, the smell!) and so .. I never learned.

San Diego.