Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day Temptations!

Good Morning Clean-Eaters,

Did I get your attention with the lovely piece of pie?? Tomorrow's the big day for those of you scattered across the United States. I heard on the radio this morning that today is the busiest travel day of the year in the US. You're all buzzing around the country to get to your homes or prepping the house for visitors of your own. Canadian Thanksgiving was 2 months ago, and let me tell you, it was a great Clean-Eating success.

Thanksgiving tends to be an extravagant holiday, so I am going to tell it to you straight:

Keep your portions in control, omit butters and sauces, and watch the dessert tray. Have berries as a healthy option instead of pies and ice cream and whipped cream, oh my! If the weather behaves, I would highly recommend a walk with your family either pre or post dinner.

Of course, if you do go crazy get right back on track. Lucky for you it's Black Friday at the malls on November 23rd... power shopping = calorie burning! And get right back to the gym.


Anonymous said...

Hi -- this isn't about holiday eating but rather a recipe in the book -- Grandmother's Oatmeal cookies. It calls for 2 2/3 cups of salt free Olivina -- can that be right? Seems like a lot of oil/margarine.

Tosca Reno said...

In regards to the Oatmeal cookies, the margarine amount is correct. If you notice, the recipe makes A LOT of cookies. All of the dry ingredients need enough moisture to create the cookie dough consistency. Try making a smaller batch by cutting the entire recipe in half. Good luck!