Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 7 of 25 Days of Giving

The days of "giving" continue...

Today's GIVE:
Today I am giving an eat-clean grocery-shopping lesson to my friend. Print off your Eat-Clean Diet Grocery Shopping List and take your friend for a quick, clean shop. Remember to stick to the perimeter of the store!

There are more days of giving to come!

Keep sharing your stories for a chance to win an Eat-Clean Diet Starter kit. See details.



Jingles said...

Overseas college is my daughter's destination come Feb. so we spent time having coffee and a clean eating mini meal after going to the gym together.
Currently, I am playing 'heater' for my doggy, who is under the weather this morning. I choose to offer her my time as she indulges in her favorite luxury...snuggling with her beloved 'mom'.

Mellon said...

My girl friend and I both printed this list so we can now use it for our food shopping.