Hello bloggers. I am writing to you during a small break I am taking in my very busy day here in Tampa, Florida. The sun is shining... well, it was the last time I saw it from my car window on my way to another interview. Phew! It's been a long day already and it's only 2 o'clock.
When I'm out promoting the
Eat-Clean Diet books my schedule is all over the place. Having a cooler by my side is the one stable element in my day. I know I always have a healthy meal waiting for me. As soon as I arrived in Florida last night I went straight to the grocery store and stocked up on a bunch of things to keep me going: almonds, hummus, whole-wheat wraps, carrot sticks, apples, yogurt, water, etc. Of course, eating out is inevitably part of the deal when I'm travelling, so I am always at the ready with questions and requests for the waiter/waitress: no sauce here, no butter there, and steamed veggies please!! My husband and I try to pick restaurants where we know we can order a salad and broth-based soup without any trouble.
Another challenge is training time. As you all know, I workout 5-6 times a week. When I am travelling I do my best not to miss a day. It helps if I stay at a hotel with a gym, but there's no guarantee it's stocked with the equipment I need. This is when I get creative and do what I can: take a run outside if the weather is nice; do body weight exercises such as push ups, pull ups, and dips. I have also been known to seek out a gym nearby especially if I'm training for a competition, when every workout counts.
The most important thing about whirlwind trips is doing my best to get some sleep, some good food and plenty of water. When you're waking up in one city and going to sleep in another the comforts of the Clean-Eating lifestyle can keep you going.
I know there are a lot of women out there in my same position. You're jetting all over the world for business here and there; you're running the kids to soccer and hockey tournaments on the weekends; you're driving or flying to and from the in law's for the holidays.
Keep yourself sane and healthy by keeping Clean wherever your travels take you.